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Friday, January 27, 2006Blog break - preparining for a meeting...I will be back on Feb. 6. I am preparing for a very important meeting. ![]() ![]() Thursday, January 26, 2006Cheating in schools...Emerging Phoenix has an interesting post where they are discussing the idea of legalizing cheating in schools. ![]() ![]() James Manning wrote a post called a "Dialogue on Race Politics Stereotypes, Myths & Misinformation", that to me just fuelled the talking points of the Republicans, i.e., black Republicans. The title I thought was provocative and promising, yet, to me he gave some statistics that I thought were totally misleading and part of a misinformation campaign by Republicans, particularly Black Republicans. I made a few comments on the posts that were probably a little sensitive, but I deleted the comments after a person who appeared to be of mixed race said he was convinced that all black women like the thug-type black man. Whenever I’m on black Conservative sites, I make a point not to say too much that will offend them. Therefore, since this post had that flavor, I thought it would be best if I deleted my comments because they were offensive to some. I don't know how the conversation went after that, because I stopped following it, but I’m sure it was interesting. Having said that, I'm linking to the post so that I can have easy access to the statistics. I think James was trying to show that black people are not these welfare lazy people, but instead are decent hard working people who are making strides in a racist society. Although the way he said it, I came away thinking he was being a mouth piece for the black Conservative movement. As a result, what he was really saying, “hey - black people are not systematically being discriminated against” just take a look at the statistics, we are not doing as bad as those evil and immoral liberals are saying and we don't need or want your handouts (this is my impression only, it may not reflect his true thoughts). In one of my comments before I deleted it, I told James these statistics are misleading. I was so disappointed I felt like crying at the stuff that was being said by black people against black people. My stomach started churning. Anyway, today I heard that slightly > 24,500 people applied for ~ 325 jobs at Wal-Mart (a new store located one block from Chicago). It is interesting to note, that only 500 of the people didn't live in Chicago. From my understanding, the reason this came up is that the remaining people were primarily black who applied for those low wage jobs. From this alone, it shows that the statistics James referenced need to be checked, cross checked, and rechecked to determine their true validity. Clearly, if this many people are applying for minimum wage jobs, the situation in the black community is dire and this directly contradicts the progress we have made as a group based upon the statistics James used for his analysis. And, this is why Mark Twain said there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics because statistics can be manipulated. I did a cursory review of the statistics and the outcome is far worst than what James is reporting. I asked where he got his information from and true enough, he saw them on a moderate Conservative site. Therefore, I am convinced that these are black Republican talking points that are now being peddled on what I thought was a moderate liberal site. ![]() ![]() Wednesday, January 25, 2006The Bible & The Egyptian Book of the DeadRecently, C2A wrote a post entitled "Why God". What stood out to me most in the post were the following statements: I’m always stunned by the great number of people who enjoy the chance to bear witness to their disbelief in God. Their strikes against God strengthen my faith because I don’t think people would expend energy to vocalize disbelief in something they truly didn’t believe had power. Since I know that I stated emphatically that I didn't believe in the Christian God, I was 99.9999% sure she was talking to me and it almost sounded like she was expecting her God to strike me down. Fortunate for me, I'm 100% sure a loving God wouldn't behave in this unkind manner. So to ease her conscious, I said the following: Some of us just don’t believe in the Christian God. This disturbs many black people. However, that doesn’t automatically mean that those who don’t believe in this Christian God don’t believe in some type of higher power. As for me, I live my life in such a way that what is best for me, always happen. I continued by saying - just so you know, if people thought a God had power, they wouldn’t dare speak against it. They would simply be too afraid. Furthermore, if there was one way to this God thing, the world would only have one religion. One of the reasons I don't believe in the bible is that the so called "Ten Commandments" and this virgin birth are not unique to Christianity. The 10 Commandments were plagiarized from the 42 Negative Confessions or Declaration of Innocence that were recorded in The Egyptian Book of the Dead. This Declaration of Innocence is also called the Laws of the Goddess (Maat). And, the virgin birth was stolen from the story about Osiris and Isis and how Isis gave birth to their child, Horus after the death of Osiris. Why would an omnipotent and omniscient God be so unoriginal and uninspired to copy the moral codes and the virgin birth story of another civilization and pass it off as something he invented so that people can believe and be saved from eternal damnation? There is something fundamentally wrong with this type of deceit. This is pure unadulterated evil! I believe in researching everything before accepting anything as the so called "gospel" truth. I do however like the idea that the three major world's religions are founded upon the principles of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess "Maat", which was around ~ 3500 years before the advent of Christianity. Maybe this is what is wrong with the world; people are worshipping a male God that has been bastardized. Finally, if I'm going to worship something, it certainly will not be a poor imitation of something that predates recorded time. When you know the truth, it is really hard to believe a LIE or the absurd!!! Recap: In order for Christianity to exist, this God broke two commandments, thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not lie. Subsequently, if you look at all the bible atrocities, you will also see that this God is a murderer too. On that note, I've probably lost the rest of my readership. I'm not making any of this stuff up, if your faith is strong, check it out for yourself. The truth is there... ![]() ![]() Tuesday, January 24, 2006The Democratic Party needs to get some testicular fortitude!!!I bet they won't be able to muster up one testicle among the whole bunch, which makes me think they are apart of the whole plan. Three reasons the Dems should fllibuster Alito. Tag:Fillibuster Alito ![]() ![]() I'm convinced that the average black person is psychic. If you stare at any black person for any amount of time in a crowed room, they will instantly turn to the person who is staring at them. If you do the same thing to the average white person, they will not notice you no matter how long you stare at them. You should try this and see what happens - you will be amazed. Some black people are more sensitive than others, but the results of this experiment are consistent across the board. ![]() ![]() If you want to know the truth about American politics, this is a good article. I find comfort in the fact that not only is the politics of America affecting mainly black people, the way things are going, things will eventually affect all Americans irrespective of their party affiliation. Black people have a tendency to vote strictly for the Democrats, at least 90% of us anyway. As a result, the Democrats have consistently marginalized us. There have been more jailed built mainly to house black people, particularly black men under the Democratic rule than under the Republican rule. I don't think this has escaped black people. However, if you talk to many of us, we feel that both parties are two heads of the same dragon. What happens is that black people have historically voted on what they think is the lesser of the two evils. In order for us to gain any type of political clout, we must re-evaluate this strategy. It is not working for us as a group. Individually, there are many success stories. Tag: The Real State of the Union ![]() ![]() Monday, January 23, 2006This government continues to push the envelope...The Bush Administration is planning on testing pesticides on humans. Just think - at least 51% of the people agrees with Bush's policies. Tag: Democrats Denounce Bush Human Pesticide Testing Plan ![]() ![]() James Manning has two candid and interesting conversations on race and politics in America here and here. ![]() ![]() Saturday, January 21, 2006Is this going too far?When should we say that we've had enough? I don't know if I buy the reason by the government for requesting this information especially since I read that Bush is planning on criminalizing protesters under the Patriot Act as "disruptors"... Fishing in Cyberspace A few of us were asked to drum by some representatives of this Organization on January 31st to drown out Bush's "State of the Union Address". If this protest occurs, I guess all the participants can be criminalized. Very interesting indeed!!! Tags: Bush to criminalize protesters under Patriot Act, Fishing in Cyberspace ![]() ![]() Tuesday, January 17, 2006U.S. - The most peace loving nation???Courtesy of The Bulldog Manifesto: Below is a chronology of conflicts that America has been engaged in since 1917. Can you believe America has been engaged in some type of conflict with others nearly every year? If anyone believes that America should go back to those old Christian values you should ask yourself when have these values ever really made the U.S. benevolent to others. We all know that we can go back much farther with the atrocities committed by the U.S. starting with the Native Americans. This is a masterpiece in terms of a history lesson on U.S. policy regarding wars and conflict... Part I - 1917-1964 Part II - 1961 - 2003 ![]() ![]() It appears I may have to start another blog. For some reason, I don't have access to this blog most of the time. I thought the problem was due to technical difficulties at blogspot. I guess I can rule this out since I’m able to access other blogs on blogspot, so this suggests that blogspot is functioning properly. It has become so annoying that I feel it is not worth putting any more energy in trying to access this blog. I will definitely reinvent myself soon. ![]() ![]() Saturday, January 14, 2006Synopsis - HIV is the biggest hoax the world has seen!!!Val asked me to write a little synopsis about the HIV/AIDS information that I have presented since the information was a bit unclear as to who ultimately ended up with HIV. So, the information presented below is my synopsis of what I've read about HIV in laymen's terms. Briefly, what the public is being told about HIV/AIDS is very different from what the scientific community says about HIV. Here is a very interesting article that talks about the media campaign about HIV. According to the scientific community: 1. I will start by saying HIV has never been isolated in the laboratory. This is why no one has won the Nobel Prize for its discovery. 2. Having antibodies mean a person has immunity (period). This is not a measure to determine if someone has a disease. 3. The only way they can get this alleged HIV+ blood to do anything is incubate supposedly infected cells with cancer cells (leukemia), or various other stressors such as mitogens. This suggests that the proponents of HIV are basically looking at antibodies and proteins that are produced under stressful conditions that are created by those cancer cells and or mitogens. These proteins/antibodies have nothing to do with HIV. 4. Studies have shown that HIV is not sexually transmitted. 5. HIV has never been isolated in semen, breast milk, or any other bodily fluids. 6. HIV if it exists - it is not contagious. 7. People who do drugs get all types of opportunistic infection that weakens their immune system independent of HIV. 8. Studies performed on Australian prostitutes also demonstrated that HIV is not sexually transmitted. 9. It appears hemophiliac died from Factor 8 contamination and not as a result of HIV. 10. HIV drugs will give you AIDS. AZT is a DNA chain terminator and eventually your cells will die because they can't divide. Protease inhibitors prevent your body’s natural proteases from digesting proteins. The body must recycle on average 10^14 cells per day (~100 trillion per day). The proteases inhibitors prevents this from occurring, as a result, your body becomes very toxic and you will eventually have an autoimmune response as well as fungus growing on the free floating proteins in your body. This will destroy your immune system and you will die. 11. People in Africa are not being treated for diseases they’ve had for eons. These old diseases are now being called HIV. 12. Unlike all the other known diseases such as TB, malaria, etc., etc., different countries have different standards for what constitute a person being diagnosed as HIV+. This means that you can be diagnosed as HIV+ for instance in the U.S. but will not be positive in Canada or Australia. In fact, Australia is the hardest place to be diagnosed HIV+. This is a major flaw in the theory of HIV. How can you have a disease and be treated in one country for that said disease and if you move to another country, they will tell you that you are not sick at all and don't need treatment. It is interesting to note that Africa is one of the easiest places to be diagnosed as HIV+, followed closely by the U.S. 13. There are at least 64 factors that can cause a person to test positive for HIV when in fact they are not positive. 14. Black people have serious health issues that are being overshadowed by this fictitious HIV/AIDS epidemic. We have a high rate of diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc. that are killing us at an alarming rate. 15. The bottom line - people have been lied to about the existence and pathogenic nature of HIV. 16. I will finish by saying if you do a Google or yahoo search on HIV/AIDS, the information you will find is exactly what the CDC, NIH, WHO, and other governmental organizations want you to know about HIV/AIDS. On the other hand, if you do a pub med or use any other type of scientific search engine for information on HIV a different picture will emerge. ![]() ![]() Thursday, January 12, 2006Prove Christ existsYou really have to love Europeans. A Judge is ordering a priest to prove that Christ exists. Excerpt: Signor Cascioli said that the Gospels themselves were full of inconsistencies and did not agree on the names of the 12 apostles. He said that he would withdraw his legal action if Father Righi came up with irrefutable proof of Christ’s existence by the end of the month. James Manning had two interesting discussions about religion here and here. One of the things that came out is that religious beliefs shouldn't be forced on people because there are too many inconsistencies in the bible. After reading the article, the arguments put forth by Cascioli are some of the reasons I’m a non-believer. But I would never ask anyone to prove that Christ exists, maybe that is going a little too far. Technorati: Prove Christ exists ![]() ![]() Wednesday, January 11, 2006This is sobering...I found this perusing the blog of the Underground Railroad. The Rude Pundit has a series highlighting New Orleans 4 months after Katrina. Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V ![]() ![]() Sunday, January 08, 2006Cliff Kelly - Hostile InterviewWhen we were told about being interviewed on the Cliff Kelly show, we called Cliff’s producer (Jerry Riles) and told him this wouldn’t be the old run of the mill interview about HIV/AIDS. We informed him that Cliff is not interested in hearing what we have to say because we had already given him information on this subject. Jerry said WVON talks about HIV/AIDS all the time and asked us to fax him some information about us and what we are going to talk about anyway. It became apparent during the interview, that this interview was the brainchild of Jerry Riles. Cliff became unsettled and hostile. His ace (Lloyd Kelly) in the hole called into the show and the interview immediately shifted to the standard HIV spiel. Lloyd is an HIV/AIDS activist in Chicago and has some type of foundation that is geared towards getting all black people in Chicago and I think Illinois to get tested for HIV. As I was trying to make a point about the proteins that are used to determine if someone is HIV +, Lloyd interrupted and said “let me explain to you how this test works”. He said the test is not looking at proteins Cliff; it is looking at antibodies against HIV. From that point onward, Cliff would not let us counter anything Lloyd had to say (right or wrong). He let Lloyd urge the WVON family to get tested and he ended the show by talking about the HIV/AIDS hypothesis and how Nelson Mandela's son died of HIV and how Nelson Mandela told Mbeki this and asked what are you doing because HIV exist. I was wondering when did Mandela go to school for science. At least Mbeki hosted a world HIV/AIDS conference and heard arguments from both camps before making his decision about rejecting or accepting the dogma that is being peddled by the West. Finally, Cliff thanked us for being on the show and hung up without giving us the courtesy to make any final comments like he generally offers to his guests. The following Tuesday (January 2, 2006), Lloyd called into Cliff's show and told him about a new law that is going into effect that will be doing HIV/AIDS testing on the many black people that are in the jails in Illinois. You should have heard Lloyd and Cliff go on and on about how disappointed they were in those two for setting us back in this fight against HIV/AIDS in the black community. Lloyd even had the nerves to pat Cliff on the back (giving him a high five) for handling us in the interview. He said you really handled those two Cliff. I became slightly annoyed and called into Cliff's show and told him that Lloyd needs to learn about basic science. When Lloyd said let me explain about how the test works and said they are not looking at proteins, they are looking at antibodies to HIV, he should have known that antibodies are proteins. This is far too serious for us to be listening to someone who claims to be our resident expert and yet he doesn’t know anything about basic science, and more importantly, how this test works. This is reprehensible. No wonder as a community, we are being duped on many fronts, we are listening to too many ignorant and unscrupulous people who are willing to sell us down the river as long as they can get a piece of the pie. I guess we will always have those among us who are willing to delivery any type of message to us no matter how absurd as long as they are being paid for those said services and/or lies. All in all, I should thank Cliff Kelly - because of his show, we had a packed house. One thing about black Chicagoans, many were already suspicious about this whole HIV/AIDS theory and the interview fueled that suspicion even further. The news is spreading like a wildfire. It is interesting to note that everyone we present the science behind HIV, believes the message. People were buzzing all around us at the Kwanzaa celebrations and the news is being passed on. I was happy to be informed that someone presented a video of the science behind HIV/AIDS at one of the events at the many Kwanzaa celebrations in town. We are presenting this information again soon to some prominent people in Chicago. The truth is being wall received. Side note: Only one person came to Cliff’s defense. This is significant because more people generally tell Cliff when they agree with his position. ![]() ![]()