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Tuesday, May 31, 2005Sometimes, I wish...Looking at all the bad news, it can be depressing. Sometimes, I really do wish I could rewind time to a point where life was simpler, a time when I believed in some type of religion, a time when I didn't understand the world around me, a time when I just believed in dichotomies, such as good and evil, right and wrong, you're either with me or you're against me. I wonder why I see the lies; I wonder why I see all the deception instead of accepting what those in charge are passing on to all of us. Maybe life would be easier, more palatable if I returned to a simpler time when I followed everyone else and I conformed to some type of prescribed notion of life that was laid out by someone else who for whatever reasons were privileged enough to be in charge to dictate to us what we should believe and how we should believe. In many ways, I do understand why some people want America to become a Christian nation. Those in charge will be able to easily predict the actions of the people and these same people will be easily manipulated if everyone can be convinced that their actions are against God. If you look at other societies that are controlled by religions, this is what they have done. Why is this wrong for America? If you believe in the bible, and some would argue that I’m taken this out of context, then one can conclude that most people are being led astray. For instance, the bible says and this is paraphrased “broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many will enter, while narrow is the road that leads to life and only a few will find it ”. Isn’t this reflected in today's society? Most people are busy living their lives believing what is being told, without questioning, without any regards for morality that contradict their on little narrow view of life and God. If I wanted to, I could philosophy about the merits of believing in a religion, but somewhere along the way, the evil, the hypocrisy, the lies, have shown me that if God exists, it doesn't exists in the fashion that people thinks. Life would be so easy, if I could bury my head in the sand. I would see no evil, hear no evil, nor will I be able to speak evil... Sometimes, I wish I could go back to a time when life was simpler, a time when I didn’t question. At least then, I would be less aware of all the evil in the world that is beyond my control anyway. Sometimes, I wish… ![]() ![]()