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Wednesday, March 02, 2005'I'm a Nigger, and you will just have to put up with my blackness,' Professor Amina Wadud Confronts Her Hecklers in TorontoI received this email from a friend with the following heading "Internalized racism within the Muslim community outed" Before I start, my friend never addressed the fact that this lady may have other issues lurking within her consciousness. I think there is something seriously wrong with people who call themselves a Nigger while giving a talk to the public. Just because this is what others may think of you or your ethnic group, doesn't mean that you have to embrace that idea in any form to make your point. Personally, I would have walked out on her talk based on her self-affirmation statement. Having said the above, this is one reason why I don't like any of the major religions that are practiced today. It doesn't work for most people. It doesn't cleanse people hearts of malice and ill will towards others. It simply doesn't make people act good or decent. If there is a God almighty as people claim, then common sense should dictate that everything that this God almighty made must be good. Isn't this God almighty suppose to be perfect? Maybe people are just lying to themselves about this God thing. Maybe this internalized racism is an indicator that God doesn't exist. If there really is a God, one would think that people would be afraid to show this type of hostility to someone that was created by this same God they are acknowledging/worshiping, unless these individuals/groups think that their God made some of the people unworthy/not so perfect in some form or fashion. If this is the case, then this indicates that this God is only worthy to be praise by the same individuals who forged the religion, the very idea of their God. If people say they believe in a God that they can't see and this God suppose to be universal, how then can anyone have contempt for someone else because these individuals/groups happened to be born with some type of superficial trait that is so inconsequential such as skin color? This proves to me that their belief in their God does not transcend their cultural boundaries and maybe that their God doesn't even exit. After all, history can attest to the fact that religions have never deterred any group with a superior complex from acting in despicable ways against someone who is not of their culture - whom they perceived to be inferior. When people think there are no consequences for their actions against others, then these people will do all types of horrific things that not even their alleged God can prevent them from doing. It really makes you wonder why anybody in their right mind would believe in somebody else’s idea of God if the inventors can't themselves overcome their own prejudices and control their evil urges. I question most people's belief in God as well as their idea(s) of God. There is ample proof that either they got this God thing all wrong or that God doesn’t exist (period) and certainly not in the way they think. One can only conclude that certain men in power came together and made up these ridiculous stories of God sanctioning all sorts of evil to control the minds of the weak. God is a mechanism of control that allows one society to sanction the ills inflicted on another society by whatever group that perceives themselves to be dominant at any given time. This perceived dominance allows one to believe that they are indeed sanctioned by a superior God, which has bestowed some type of inalienable rights that haven't been accorded to the other group. I think that the average man is inherently evil. This evilness is manifested when they think their evil deeds will go un-punished. Finally, it appears that the thought of an after life with God is not a deterrent for men that will prevent them from perpetrating all types of evil against people that are different from themselves. ![]() ![]()